YOU can sponsor a CAM Rock Star!
Our CAM Program is offered at NO-COST to participants. But of course, it is not a program without costs! It takes about $1000 per CAM student, per year to run this unique program. You can sponsor one CAM student for a year and who knows, you may just be supporting the next Eddie Van Halen, or Stevie Nicks, you never know!
Check out “AMP it Up” our sponsorship package!
Let’s talk about how you or your business can work together with the Rock and Roll Society of Edmonton to support CAM and benefit your company.
Centre for Arts and Music (CAM) Program
Photograph by Visualz
Our Centre for Arts and Music (CAM) Program is aimed at mentoring a new generation of musicians with a focus on youth in vulnerable communities.
Photograph by Visualz
Want to support our work?
Photograph by Visualz